Corporate Bucci Composites 07/11/2023

Interdisciplinary Training in Composite Materials: Discover the Ma.Co.F Master in Faenza for 2023/2024



After the success of past editions, the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari” (CHIMIND) of the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna activates the Ma.Co.F, Master in Composite Materials in Faenza, also for the academic year 2023 /2024.

BUCCI COMPOSITES proposes itself again this year as the main promoter of the program, activated by the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari” of the University of Bologna, in collaboration with the Department of Chemistry “Giacomo Ciamician” (CHIM), the Department of Civil Engineering , Chemistry, Environmental and Materials (DICAM), the Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN) and the Flaminia Foundation.

Why Ma.Co.F

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Companies operating in the composite materials sector are increasingly looking for new professional figures who have as their basis the interdisciplinarity between the world of chemistry and that of mechanical engineering and who constitute for companies in the sector the junction in a project team between structural analysts and materials technologists.

Ma.Co.F aims to fill this gap in higher education, by instructing those enrolled in the course, in order to be attractive to any company that operates directly in the composites sector, or uses these materials and therefore requires designers capable of fully exploiting their property. This Master's degree can therefore provide its graduates with qualified and important opportunities to enter this ever-expanding world of production.

The teaching structure of the Master

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The teaching path of the Master is divided into an initial phase with two parallel courses of 10 CFU each (1 CFU, University Educational Credit, corresponds to eight hours of frontal activity with the teacher), necessary to fill engineering gaps (mainly mechanical engineering ) of those enrolled with chemical training and those of a chemical nature (organic chemistry / polymers) of those enrolled with engineering training.

The first course is divided into three courses: General Chemistry (2 CFU), Basic Organic Chemistry (4 CFU) and Fundamentals of Polymer Science (4 CFU); the second course is divided into two courses: Mechanical Behavior of Materials (6 CFU) and Complements of Mechanical Behavior of Materials (4 CFU). Both courses consist of lectures and will occupy the first four weeks of the Master's calendar.